
Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2017
Hi everybody I will  like be a pilot, All my life i like planes and helicopters, see fly in the sky. When i a litlle kid , loved go to the airport see the planes takeoff and laned in the afternoon, dreaming if one day i pilot one of this planes. Be a pilot is not easy, is very expensive and hard by a privite pilot, the minor category to a pilot, for climbing in the categorys need a most experience flying, alot of hours in the air to be ascending. the capitans in the comercial planes have thousand of hours flying. to be a pilot need basic abilities who good hearing and sight, a excelent geographic location and the most important dont have fear of flying. Almost you need a good physical condition to dont have problem when you are flying. I wait in the future when graduate of the university, wait pass t the exams to be a private pilot ,let  be a piloto a hobbie .
Hi classmetes My  name is Raimundo Aubele, i am from Talca, but born in Santiago. I have 8 brothers,. the oldes have 24 years old an the most little have 5 years old. Study 2 years ingeenering before to change a architecture. My favorite sports is running and trekking, i love lisent music all day and drink beer.